Smitten Kitchen vs Eater Comparison

Compare Smitten Kitchen vs Eater. See how these two newsletters stack up against each other when it comes to reviews, pricing, and more.

Smitten Kitchen

Smitten Kitchen
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Every Monday morning, just when most of us are groaning our way back into the weekday grind, I send out a newsletter full of seasonal meal ideas, archive favorites, food links from around the web, a round-up of anything you might have missed the week before and event announcements, when relevant.


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Eater is a food and dining publication that covers restaurant reviews, food culture, trends, and city-specific dining guides. Eater has many different types of newsletters.

Eater Today The freshest news from the food world every day

From the Editor Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Wu explains the biggest news in food each week

Eater Travel Dispatches from Eater staff about culinary destinations worth planning an entire trip around

Add to Cart Shopping intel and product picks for food lovers

The Move Pro tips and advice from Eater's dining experts, direct to your inbox

Pre Shift A newsletter for the industry pro (or aspiring pro) looking for behind-the-scenes insights into bar and restaurant culture

Smitten Kitchen Upvotes


Eater Upvotes


Smitten Kitchen Category


Eater Category


Smitten Kitchen Frequency


Eater Frequency


Smitten Kitchen Subscription Type


Eater Subscription Type


Smitten Kitchen Platform Used


Eater Platform Used


Smitten Kitchen Language


Eater Language


Smitten Kitchen Location

    United States of America

Eater Location

    United States of America

Smitten Kitchen Tags

CookingCultureWellnessRecipesCooking Inspiration

Eater Tags


When we put Smitten Kitchen and Eater head to head, which one emerges as the victor?

If we were to analyze Smitten Kitchen and Eater, both of which are amazing food newsletters, what would we find? The upvote count is neck and neck for both Smitten Kitchen and Eater. You can help us determine the winner by casting your vote and tipping the scales in favor of one of the newsletters.

Feel we missed the mark? Vote now to support your favorite newsletter!

By Rishit