deepculture vs NextDraft

a weekly smart digest that sends 10 interesting things right in your inbox every week!

NextDraft is a daily e-newsletter that contains a curation of the best web content of the day. It starts with the subject line, which is usually a play on words or a clever one-liner on the top news of the day. It then extends to the body of the email itself, which is always descriptive, accurate, and clever. The newsletter was founded by Dave Pell in 2011
deepculture ComparePage.Upvotes
NextDraft ComparePage.Upvotes
deepculture ComparePage.Category
NextDraft ComparePage.Category
deepculture ComparePage.Frequency
- Weekly
NextDraft ComparePage.Frequency
- Daily
deepculture ComparePage.Subscription Type
- Free
NextDraft ComparePage.Subscription Type
- Free
deepculture ComparePage.Platform Used
- Substack
NextDraft ComparePage.Platform Used
- Default
deepculture ComparePage.Language
- English
NextDraft ComparePage.Language
- English
deepculture ComparePage.Location
- United States of America
NextDraft ComparePage.Location
- United States of America
deepculture ComparePage.Tags
NextDraft ComparePage.Tags
In a comparison between deepculture and NextDraft, which one comes out on top?
When we put deepculture and NextDraft side by side, both being amazing tech newsletters, The community has spoken, deepculture leads with more upvotes. deepculture has attracted 11 upvotes from users, and NextDraft has attracted 6 upvotes.
Not in agreement with the outcome? Cast your vote and influence the result!