Vivid Red vs Designed by Sarah Comparison

Compare Vivid Red vs Designed by Sarah. See how these two newsletters stack up against each other when it comes to reviews, pricing, and more.

Vivid Red

Vivid Red
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A free product discovery newsletter that will help subscribers unearth beautifully-designed products every week.

Designed by Sarah

Designed by Sarah
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The Designed by Sarah (monthly!) is a celebration of design and creativity. It's written by me, Sarah, for a global audience, covering new things coming out of our studio in addition to creative resources, spotlights, workshops, interesting links, and neat animal facts.

People have said: “Your stuff is always good. You always bring up interesting things which I ending up passing along.” “Overall good flow-y email, nothing too content-intense. Easy read for a Friday. Good link. Super excited for the new book. Just ordered.” “A nice break in my day–liked the penguin and cool website referrals.” “The variety and quirkiness. I loved the sun bear intermission!”

Vivid Red Upvotes


Designed by Sarah Upvotes


Vivid Red Category


Designed by Sarah Category


Vivid Red Frequency


Designed by Sarah Frequency


Vivid Red Subscription Type


Designed by Sarah Subscription Type


Vivid Red Platform Used


Designed by Sarah Platform Used


Vivid Red Language


Designed by Sarah Language


Vivid Red Location


Designed by Sarah Location

    United States of America

Vivid Red Tags

Industry TrendsTech ProductsProduct DiscoveryRecommendationsInspirationProduct DesignIndustrial Design

Designed by Sarah Tags

Tips and TutorialsCurrent EventsInnovationCreativityHumorCookingWomen

Vivid Red Average Rating


Designed by Sarah Average Rating

No rating available

Vivid Red Reviews

Good source of inspiration!

Designed by Sarah Reviews

No reviews available

Between Vivid Red and Designed by Sarah, which one is superior?

Upon comparing Vivid Red with Designed by Sarah, which are both amazing design newsletters, With more upvotes, Vivid Red is the preferred choice. The upvote count for Vivid Red is 10, and for Designed by Sarah it's 7.

Believe we got it wrong? Voice your opinion with an upvote!

By Rishit